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May, 2023
AMDGKB officially online 569 researches, including 1263 SNP data, 6617 mutation data, 66 gene data, and 82 related cohort studies (including AREDS, BMES, Kyoto, NEI, and EUREYE) were included in the database.
June, 2023
Clinical Assistant Tool added to AMDGKB.

Welcome to AMDGKB

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive macular disease, which presents a major burden for the healthcare system since population is rapidly aging. Early AMD mainly manifests as drusen and 20% of the patients will progress from early to the advanced stage. Advanced AMD can be divided into two manifestations, one is geographic atrophy, manifested by the death of the retinal pigment epithelium and loss of rod and cone photoreceptors, and the other is the development of new blood vessels that grow from the choroid into the subretinal space. These neovascular complexes leak and cause exudates and hemorrhages, as well as damage to retinal structures, interference with the central visual, loss of photoreceptors, and ultimately irreversible vision loss.


    AMDGKB is a comprehensive resource for genetic variation of age-related macular degeneration including the following components:

  • Research information including country/region,race, sex composition, average age,disease-related information,and variation infomation.
  • Variation annotation from NCBI, HPA, HGNC, Uniprot, OMIM, PDB, Gene Ontology, g:Profiler, KEGG.
  • Function enrichment analysis including GO enrichment analysis,c-net analysis, diseases-ontology, protein-protein interaction, and KEGG pathway.
  • The landscape of genetic variation in age-related macular degeneration More details can be found in the Download page.